Quick-closing valves
for air/steam

Maximum safety under extreme conditions

Even under the most extreme conditions, you can rely on the reliable protection of Albrecht-Automatik's quick-closing safety valves. With our quick-closing valves for air/steam, you ensure the highest possible safety for your workforce and protect your system from dangerous operating conditions and expensive downtime.

In addition to certified quick-closing safety valves for air/steam and individual compact systems, we offer you competent advice and professional service for all aspects of the safety equipment in your system.

Your advantages of quick-closing valves for air/steam

Air and vaporous media place complex demands on quick-closing safety valves. High pressures, hot temperatures and aggressive properties require maximum reliability under extreme conditions. Our quick-closing valves for air/steam are type-tested, certified and have all the necessary approvals and material certificates.

Don't compromise on safety and trust in quick-closing valves and compact systems made in Germany.

Give us a call, we will be happy to advise you in detail!

Our experts for quick-closing valves will be happy to prepare a tailor-made offer for your system.

Quick-closing valves for air/steam prevent dangerous operating conditions

Air and vaporous media have a high risk potential. In closed systems, they place special demands on all components and their functionality due to high pressures, hot temperatures and aggressive properties. In the event of a malfunction, absolutely reliable function is therefore crucial for the safety of your staff and your system. Safety quick-closing valves from Albrecht-Automatik are designed for these extreme conditions and reliably protect you from dangerous operating conditions.

This is how our safety quick-closing valves for air/steam work

An immediate release time is essential for the maximum safety of your system. We have designed our quick-closing valves for air/steam so that if the auxiliary power fails, they close by spring force in less than a second, and in the control function within five seconds.

Thanks to Fire-Safe approval, they shut off quickly and reliably even in the event of a fire.

Quick-closing valves from Albrecht-Automatik are suitable for all air and vaporous media

Vapours are generated in many different processes in industry. Whether as a fuel, main product, by-product or waste product - the properties of vapours are very varied. Escaping vapours usually pose an immediate danger to people, the environment and the system. Gases used in industry and their vapours can be heavier or lighter than air.

Gases and their vapors that are lighter than air pose a danger primarily at the point of origin and in enclosed spaces. These include:

  • Hydro­gen
  • Heli­um
  • Me­thane
  • Ammo­nia
  • Ace­tylene
  • Hydrogen cyanide
  • Nitro­gen
  • Carbon monoxide
  • Ethy­lene

Gases and their vapors that are heavier than air collect on the ground in a similar way to liquids, are particularly dangerous in low-lying areas and have a low volatility. These include:

  • Ethane
  • Form­alde­hyde
  • Metha­nol
  • Hydro­gen sulfide
  • Hydro­gen chloride
  • Ethyl­ene oxide
  • Car­bon diox­ide
  • Pro­pane
  • Etha­nol
  • Buta­diene
  • Bu­tane
  • Ace­tone
  • Acro­lein
  • Vinyl chlo­ride
  • Chlo­rine
  • Pen­tane
  • Sulfur hydrocarbons
  • Ben­zene

In industrial environments, other vapors are often generated during processes that must be removed safely and in a controlled manner. These mainly include:

  • Oil vapors
  • Coolant vapors
  • Exhaust vapors
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