Protect your projects with innovation and precision using Albrecht-Automatik's safety quick-closing valves

With almost 70 years of industry experience and an impressive track record of successful projects, we take a close look at your specific application. Our expertise enables us to provide you with competent advice and develop tailor-made solutions that meet your individual requirements.

In our own development department, we immediately implement new findings and special features of your request, integrate them into our state-of-the-art production and thus guarantee the quality of our products. Experienced project teams are always available to deliver precise results and reliable planning security.

Our projects are characterized by innovation, precision and the highest quality in order to meet the individual requirements of our customers in various industries and different areas of application. Find out more about our projects and discover how Albrecht-Automatik sets the standards in the world of safety valves.

Petrochemical industry

Our quick-closing valves have proven themselves in the demanding environment of the petrochemical industry, where the highest safety standards and precise control are crucial. Through tailor-made solutions, we help to ensure the smooth operation and safety of your plants.

ASV = Albrecht Schnellschlussventil
KVAZ = Kolben Steuerventil in stopfbuchsenloser Ausführung

ASVG = Albrecht Schnellschlussventil Gas
KVAZ = Kolben Steuerventil in stopfbuchsenloser Ausführung
FDS-VE = Faltenbalgsystem – vorentlastet
ZE40 = Zwischenentlüftung
ASVGO = Albrecht Schnellschlussventil Gas – offen
KVAZ-O = Kolben Steuerventil in stopfbuchsenloser Ausführung – Ruhestellung offen
GSV-C = Gas Schnellschlussventil – Version C
GSV-C/O = Gas Schnellschlussventil – Ruhestellung offen

Cargo & container ships

Our quick-closing valves are used in various areas on cargo and container ships to enable quick and effective response in the event of a dangerous situation such as a leak or an accident. Quick-closing valves ensure that response time in the event of an emergency is minimized and thus the damage is limited. Here are some areas where quick-closing valves are commonly installed:

Cargo and ballast tanks | Oil pipelines | Loading and unloading facilities | Fire protection systems

ASV = Albrecht Schnellschlussventil
KVAZ = Kolben Steuerventil in stopfbuchsenloser Ausführung

ASVG = Albrecht Schnellschlussventil Gas
KVAZ = Kolben Steuerventil in stopfbuchsenloser Ausführung
FDS-VE = Faltenbalgsystem – vorentlastet
ZE40 = Zwischenentlüftung
ASVGO = Albrecht Schnellschlussventil Gas – offen
KVAZ-O = Kolben Steuerventil in stopfbuchsenloser Ausführung – Ruhestellung offen
GSV-C = Gas Schnellschlussventil – Version C
GSV-C/O = Gas Schnellschlussventil – Ruhestellung offen

Chemical industry

In the chemical industry, precise control and reliability are essential. Our valves are used in various critical applications to guarantee safe operation while enabling optimal process control.

ASV = Albrecht Schnellschlussventil
KVAZ = Kolben Steuerventil in stopfbuchsenloser Ausführung

ASVG = Albrecht Schnellschlussventil Gas
KVAZ = Kolben Steuerventil in stopfbuchsenloser Ausführung
FDS-VE = Faltenbalgsystem – vorentlastet
ZE40 = Zwischenentlüftung
ASVGO = Albrecht Schnellschlussventil Gas – offen
KVAZ-O = Kolben Steuerventil in stopfbuchsenloser Ausführung – Ruhestellung offen
GSV-C = Gas Schnellschlussventil – Version C
GSV-C/O = Gas Schnellschlussventil – Ruhestellung offen

Power plants

Energy generation is a crucial area where our safety quick-closing valves contribute to efficiency and safety. Whether conventional or renewable energy, our solutions are designed to support the smooth operation of your power plants.

ASV = Albrecht Schnellschlussventil
KVAZ = Kolben Steuerventil in stopfbuchsenloser Ausführung

ASVG = Albrecht Schnellschlussventil Gas
KVAZ = Kolben Steuerventil in stopfbuchsenloser Ausführung
FDS-VE = Faltenbalgsystem – vorentlastet
ZE40 = Zwischenentlüftung
ASVGO = Albrecht Schnellschlussventil Gas – offen
KVAZ-O = Kolben Steuerventil in stopfbuchsenloser Ausführung – Ruhestellung offen
GSV-C = Gas Schnellschlussventil – Version C
GSV-C/O = Gas Schnellschlussventil – Ruhestellung offen

Sand-lime brick and cement plants

In the building materials industry, especially in sand-lime brick and cement plants, our quick-closing valves help to precisely control processes and contribute to safety and efficiency in these demanding environments.

ASV = Albrecht Schnellschlussventil
KVAZ = Kolben Steuerventil in stopfbuchsenloser Ausführung

ASVG = Albrecht Schnellschlussventil Gas
KVAZ = Kolben Steuerventil in stopfbuchsenloser Ausführung
FDS-VE = Faltenbalgsystem – vorentlastet
ZE40 = Zwischenentlüftung
ASVGO = Albrecht Schnellschlussventil Gas – offen
KVAZ-O = Kolben Steuerventil in stopfbuchsenloser Ausführung – Ruhestellung offen
GSV-C = Gas Schnellschlussventil – Version C
GSV-C/O = Gas Schnellschlussventil – Ruhestellung offen

Seawater desalination plants

Water is a precious resource, especially in regions with water scarcity. Our valves play a crucial role in seawater desalination plants to make the water treatment process safe and efficient.

ASV = Albrecht Schnellschlussventil
KVAZ = Kolben Steuerventil in stopfbuchsenloser Ausführung

Solar power plants

The solar energy industry relies on sustainable and environmentally friendly energy generation. Our valves help to ensure the efficient operation of solar power plants and increase the reliability of the systems.

ASV = Albrecht Schnellschlussventil
KVAZ = Kolben Steuerventil in stopfbuchsenloser Ausführung

Bio power plants

In the emerging bio power plant industry, our innovative valves play an important role in ensuring the operation and control of processes. We offer tailor-made solutions to meet the specific requirements of these plants.

ASV = Albrecht Schnellschlussventil
KVAZ = Kolben Steuerventil in stopfbuchsenloser Ausführung

ASVG = Albrecht Schnellschlussventil Gas
KVAZ = Kolben Steuerventil in stopfbuchsenloser Ausführung
FDS-VE = Faltenbalgsystem – vorentlastet
ZE40 = Zwischenentlüftung
ASVGO = Albrecht Schnellschlussventil Gas – offen
KVAZ-O = Kolben Steuerventil in stopfbuchsenloser Ausführung – Ruhestellung offen
GSV-C = Gas Schnellschlussventil – Version C
GSV-C/O = Gas Schnellschlussventil – Ruhestellung offen

Would you like to know more about the use of our valves?

Call us, we will be happy to advise you in detail! Our experts will be happy to prepare a tailor-made offer for your system.

© Albrecht-Automatik GmbH 2025. All Rights reserved.
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